The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)

On October 16, 2013, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) amendments took effect.

Anyone in the telemarketing, call center, or BPO business should be aware of, and is affected by, these changes.

Agents TCPA White Paper

The TCPA White Paper

Protecting the public and your company...

The new amendments extended the reach of regulatory bodies, and far surpass the Do Not Call (DNC) registry and the need for list scrubbing and simple opt-outs, to stay compliant.

The amendments extending the protections to consumers, now covers text-messaging based marketing, and includes new rules concerning auto dialers, among other important updates.

Furthermore, the amendment eliminates assumed consent based on an existing business relationship.

Awareness of the new rules will keep your business in good graces with your clients, prospects and the regulators – not to mention saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in possible penalties for infractions.

AnswerNet has prepared a white paper "The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) - Protecting the public and your company"to help you understand the new telemarketing rules and the impact on your business.

White Paper Contents

The white paper "The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) - Protecting the public and your company" addresses:

  • What are the amendments?
  • Are there any exceptions?
  • What are the repercussions?
  • Achieving opt-in status for mass marketing
  • Appendix 1: Reference guide to compliance regulations
  • Appendix 2: Definitions:
    - What is the Telephone Consumer Protection Act?
    - What is a Dialer?
    - What is Express Written Consent (EWC)?
    - What are Other Types of Consent (that do not meet EWC requirements)?
    - What are Informational Calls?

Download the white paper:
  "The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)
  - Protecting the public and your company"
  Click Button. No form to fill out.

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